How to install distrobuilder

Installing from package

distrobuilder is available from the Snap Store.

sudo snap install distrobuilder --classic

Installing from source

To compile distrobuilder from source, first install the Go programming language, and some other dependencies.

  • Debian-based:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -y golang-go debootstrap rsync gpg squashfs-tools git make build-essential
  • ArchLinux-based:

    sudo pacman -Syu
    sudo pacman -S go debootstrap rsync gnupg squashfs-tools git make --needed
  • Red Hat-based:

    sudo dnf check-update
    sudo dnf install golang debootstrap rsync gnupg2 squashfs-tools git make

NOTE: Distrobuilder requires Go 1.21 or higher, if your distribution doesn’t have a recent enough version available, get it from upstream.

Second, download the source code of the distrobuilder repository (this repository).

mkdir -p $HOME/go/src/
cd $HOME/go/src/
git clone

Third, enter the directory with the source code of distrobuilder and run make to compile the source code. This will generate the executable program distrobuilder, and it will be located at $HOME/go/bin/distrobuilder.

cd ./distrobuilder

Finally, you can run distrobuilder as follows.


You may also add the directory $HOME/go/bin/ to your $PATH so that you do not need to run the command with the full path.